Ballet IV
Ages 14 - adult. Wednesdays from 5pm - 7pm.
Advanced ballet techniques will be studied through concentration on barre, centre practice, adagé, and allegro. Directions of the body as well as Vaganova and French School technique will be focal. Pirouette en dehors and en dedans will be studied. Opportunities to partner will be available.
Ages 14 - adult. Wednesdays from 5pm - 7pm.
Advanced ballet techniques will be studied through concentration on barre, centre practice, adagé, and allegro. Directions of the body as well as Vaganova and French School technique will be focal. Pirouette en dehors and en dedans will be studied. Opportunities to partner will be available.
Ages 14 - adult. Wednesdays from 5pm - 7pm.
Advanced ballet techniques will be studied through concentration on barre, centre practice, adagé, and allegro. Directions of the body as well as Vaganova and French School technique will be focal. Pirouette en dehors and en dedans will be studied. Opportunities to partner will be available.