SOTA Dance Studio

New Students: Call Theresa before registering - 570-326-5938


New Students: Call Theresa before registering - 570-326-5938 〰️

Theresa Kendall

Instructor of Ballet I, II & IV and Modern Dance I, II & IV , Creative Movement, Pre-Ballet, Pointe Classes, and Praise Movement.

Trisha Patterson

Instructor of Ballet III and Modern III dance classes.

For the Youngest Dancers

Creative Movement

  • For ages: 3 - 4

    Guaranteed to be a FUN class!  Basic body positions for Ballet and Modern will be introduced.  The goal of the class is to encourage self-awareness through movement with age appropriate music.

Pre Ballet

  • For ages: 4-5 

    The structure of Ballet will be introduced with barre-work and simple center combinations.  Age appropriate music will be used in the center, with improvisation.  The goal of the class is to build self-esteem through enjoyment of movement and music.

Movement for All

PRAISE Movement

Tuesdays 8:30-9:30am, all ages are welcome

Prayerful.      Part of each class will be spent sitting and stretching as we lift up individual and community prayer requests.  Strengthen social ties as we support one another and give the glory to God.

Rejuvenating.  Part of each class will be spent in standing warm-up and walking.   Increase your energy and improve mental health and well-being.

Adult.  The class is open to any age, but will focus on movement for older adults.

Individual.   Start where you are and go at your own speed.  Each person in class will be encouraged to set and meet their own exercise goals.

Strengthening.  Improve posture and balance. Stretch, elongate and tone muscles. Help maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints.

Exercise.  Exercise is known to:  Relieve stress, reduce symptoms of anxiety, increase relaxation and to improve sleep, immune system and cognitive function.

This class will not perform and is strictly stretch and strengthening based.


Ballet I

  • For ages: 6 - 9 

    Basic ballet techniques such as body carriage, balance, and positioning of head, arms, legs, and feet will be focal.   The structure of the ballet class will be followed including barre, centre practice, adagé and allegro.  Musical interpretation through creative movement is emphasized and encouraged.  Age appropriate music will be combined with classical selections.

Ballet III

  • Ballet III: Ages: 12 - 14 with older students new to dance.

    Advanced ballet techniques will be studied through concentration on barre, centre practice, adagé, and allegro.  Directions of the body as well as Vaganova and French School technique will be focal. Pirouette en dehors and en dedans will be studied.  Opportunities to partner will be available.

  • For ages: 6 - 13 Years 

    This class for home schooled students will follow the same goals of Ballet I and Ballet II.

    Homeschool Ballet MAY be offered in Fall & Spring  based on level of interest.

    Note:  Separate Classes are offered in the Fall & Spring semesters, but combines with regular ballet classes in the summer only.

Ballet II

  • For ages 9-12/ 13

    Intermediate ballet techniques will be studied through closing in fifth position and using both supporting and working leg at the barre.  Directions of the body as well as Vaganova and French School technique will be focal.

Ballet IV

  • Ballet IV: Ages 14 - Adult

    Advanced ballet techniques will be studied through concentration on barre, centre practice, adagé, and allegro.  Directions of the body as well as Vaganova and French School technique will be focal. Pirouette en dehors and en dedans will be studied.  Opportunities to partner will be available.

Ballet I & Ballet II for Home-Schooled Students 

Pointe levels I & II 

  • For ages: 12 - adult

    Instruction sur les pointes will be offered beginning at the barre and progressing at the rate of the individual dancer.

    Students enrolled in Pointe must also be enrolled in either Ballet III or Ballet IV.

For students in Level II, III & IV who wish to take both Ballet and Modern, select Combo II, III or IV on the registration form for a discount.


For students in Level II, III & IV who wish to take both Ballet and Modern, select Combo II, III or IV on the registration form for a discount. 〰️

Modern Dance

Modern I

  • For ages: 6-9 years 

    The goal of the class is to build self-confidence, body awareness, and creativity in a tasteful, fun form of dance.

    The class will include José Limon, Martha Graham, and Merce Cunningham floor and standing warm-up and across the floor exercise. 

    A portion of class time will be devoted to improvisation. Dancers will learn how to use focus, time, level and space to create their own expression of movement and music.

Modern III

  • Modern III: Ages: 12 - 14 with older students new to dance

    Through the Nicholais, Limon, Graham, and Cunningham techniques, students will explore and understand elements of modern dance including: focus, level, space, and time. Class may include Pilates, standing exercise, across the floor and recentering techniques, improvisation, and choreography..

    The importance of breath, self-expression, and creativity is focal.

Modern II

  • For ages: 9-12/13 ys.

    The goal of the class is to strengthen self-confidence, body awareness, and creativity in a tasteful, fun form of dance.

    The class will include José Limon, Martha Graham, and Merce Cunningham technique, focusing on isolations, alignment, and re-centering.

    Breath awareness and control will be emphasized. Through guided and non-guided improvisation, the dancers will learn how to use focus, time, level and space to create their own expression of movement and music..

Modern IV

  • Modern IV: Ages 14 - Adult

    Through the Nicholais, Limon, Graham, and Cunningham techniques, students will explore and understand elements of modern dance including: focus, level, space, and time. Class may include Pilates, standing exercise, across the floor and recentering techniques, improvisation, and choreography..

    The importance of breath, self-expression, and creativity is focal.